
A Travel Company
“Where the all inclusive lifestyle is possible.”

Our Mission: To allow families to experience life together in luxury around the world in a way they would not even realize is possible for them. On our trips they will truly believe in their heart, that they are happy to be alive.

The Problem: Most people that travel go to the same places as everyone else, and do the same things as everyone else.

Our Solution: In 2019, we have created a specialty, luxury, “done for you” travel membership. 

How It Works: We choose the most desirable locations around the world and create trips where the member booking doesn’t have to think or bring their wallet on the trip. The trips itinerary is completely set up so that the family coming doesn’t have to think about where they are staying or what they are doing. They will be staying in one of the best resorts in the region and will have a jam packed line up of the best things to do in that area. With everyone already included in the price they paid and can pay for the trip in full or broken up on a monthly price.

What We Will Create: Through OmniVentures, people will see what a real travel experience is supposed to be like. What real luxury and perfect views are supposed to look like. If they are up for it, what a real adventure in a new country is supposed to be like. But if they are looking to just relax, what real peace is supposed to feel like. 

For Details on our next adventure
Call/Text: 954-866-7056


An Investment Fund
”Reclaim Your Peace, with Performance You Can Trust”

Our Mission: Allow the everyday person to invest like how the most elite investors can. This will give a whole generation of people the ability to have more time and options to spend with their families.

The Problem: Most people have no idea where to put their extra money that they earn from work, so most times they just put in their bank accounts or something like a 401k that yields hardly anything.

Our Solution: In 2021, we have created a fund built on top of a system designed to allow investors to gain the profits of seasoned traders without needing to know how to trade themselves. 

How It Works: Investors can deposit into OmniPool and those funds automatically will be diversified and deposited into accounts that are connected to the top traders around the world. These traders will trade the balances without any of the investors needing to know how to trade or do anything at all. Monthly, OmniPool will send each investor a piece of the profits grown. Simple. 

What This Should Create: At OmniGroup, we call ‘money’, “Time Units” because most people spend their time to earn money. So now that people are taking their “Time Units” and putting it into a system that is spitting out more “Time Units” they will be able to have more time and options to spend with their families.

For Details on our strategy Call/Text: 305-363-1797

OmniTrader Edu

Trading Educational Course
”Where you become the indicator”

Our Mission: To help a generation of people to learn a skill that will allow families to have more time and options to do as they please. 

The Problem: There are millions of people that are spending time away from their families and at jobs they do not care about just to earn money to survive.

Our Solution: In 2018, we have created a forex education platform designed to teach anyone from a beginner, to a seasoned trader how to become a profitable trader without any signals or indicators. We have successful share that content to 30,000+ people around the world and we have now decided to give the content away for free.

How It Works: Through 20+ hours of descriptive videos from the basics of the forex world and mindset, to the advance work of how to grow an account over time. We share step by step how to become a profitable trader.

What This Will Create: Through learning how to trade, more people will be able to earn from home, in the beginning they will not have to do extra overtimes at work. Then, through tons of practice, be able to step away from their jobs entirely. 


An AI Educational Course
Redefine Your Limits: From Novice to Pro with OmniAI”

Our Mission: To empower individuals and businesses to harness the power of AI and ChatGPT, transforming their personal lives, careers, and enterprises to reach new heights of success and fulfillment.

The Problem: The rapidly evolving world of AI and ChatGPT presents limitless possibilities, but many people lack the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize these powerful tools in their daily lives and businesses.

Our Solution: In 2023, we have developed a comprehensive course designed to teach anyone, from absolute beginners to tech-savvy individuals, how to leverage AI and ChatGPT for personal growth, professional advancement, and business success.

How It Works: Through engaging video lessons and hands-on exercises, our course covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of AI and ChatGPT to advanced techniques for enhancing productivity, creativity, and decision-making. We guide you step-by-step on how to integrate these powerful tools into your daily life and business operations.

What This Will Create: By mastering the use of AI and ChatGPT, individuals and businesses will gain a competitive edge in their respective fields. Whether it's optimizing personal productivity, enhancing artistic endeavors, or streamlining business processes, OmniAI will be an indispensable resource for unlocking the full potential of AI and ChatGPT. Our community of learners will grow together, sharing their experiences and insights to drive innovation and success in the age of AI.


A Non-Profit Youth Education Company
Shaping Families for a Brighter Tomorrow”

Our Mission: We believe that the most successful people around the world received their success way before they even knew how to spell “Success”. OmniGiving is a cause focused on giving families the thinking that has been circling around the minds of the elite but has never trickled down to the meek. We want to find out, is there something specific that parents did differently from most that lead to the most successful people in the world? If there is, we want to share those principles. But, what if there isn’t, we want to share that as well.

The Problem: Anyone can have a family and most people run their family based on how their parents taught them. Most times, they did not like how their family structure was so they just wing-it and hope for the best. There are some families though, that want to create something meaningful but do not have any resources that have proven results. So they they go to books but how do we know the real perspective of the people writing those books? What if they do not even have successful families themselves? Let alone a family at all. We find that interesting.

How We Will Do It: Just like Nepoliegn Hill interview the most successful people in the world at that time and asked them “What is the Key to Success” on a personal sense. In 2023 and for the next 20 years, We will ask those successful people as well as their parents this time. We will ask the successor questions like “what do think your parents instilled in you to create that success, if any”? “Do you think if you had a completely different set of parents you would have your success today?” And ask the parents questions like, “what are some of the principles that you instilled in your children”? “What was your relationship like with your children growing up?”

What This Will Create: Through the years of interviews that parents can watch, we believe that we will find either a correlation or no correlation between successful children and their parents and we will be able to share what it is. Now, the people that are looking to create a household that creates successful children will have a real blueprint that has obviously worked for others. Through these efforts, we foresee a generation of “true families”, taught by the best of the best, that should lead to peace world wide.